Sammar Simmons

Fractional Executive | Advisor | Strategic Project Management


For the past 15+ years, I have been working in primarily high-growth start-ups in cross-functional GTM and operation roles focused on understanding and improving the end customer experience. Specializing in SaaS and tech-enabled services, I have launched brand new product offerings, served as the right-hand to a Founder growing their business from 75 to 450 employees, supported the close and renewal of the biggest partners, formed and developed client success teams from the ground up, and served a trusted advisor to numerous executives.

Why partner with me?

What I think you really want to know, however, is that I am committed and really good at what I do. The book “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World” really resonates with me in that because of my various positions, I have the ability to see the full picture – never looking at a problem or challenge from just one perspective. Where I differ from the premiss of the book is that I specialize in helping organizations and teams understand the root problem, determine the best path forward, and execute on plans that drive results. I believe that building trust early and deeply is key; that problems must be understood from different perspectives; that every solution is balanced between people, process, and technology; that to grow one must be respectfully blunt; and that frameworks and methodologies set the building blocks but every situation is unique because people are unique.


Voice of the customer + customer experience, executive communication, internal communication, making the complex simple, cross-functional initiatives, customer journey playbooks, product operations and GTM launch, and ideal customer profiles.